The Winter Parade BookWidgets Contest for Teachers - Enter Now & WIN!

This contest in progress. You can’t submit any new activities, BUT you can help a fellow teacher! Vote for your favorite activity right here.

Winter is coming… And he brings so many beautiful things with him! This calls for a winter celebration.

What better way to celebrate winter with a teacher contest? Share your “Winter Parade Widget” and win a BookWidgets starters package (And there will be 3 winners!):

👉 A BookWidgets license for the entire school for 1 complete year (worth $1750)

👉 A two-hour step-by-step digital BookWidgets teacher training for beginners (Up to 30 teachers worth $200) in English, Spanish, Dutch, French or German.

For the 2 other activities that make the cut, we also have some presents to unwrap. You can win:

👉 World Fame 🤩 - Your activity will be featured on our teacher blog

👉 A two-hour step-by-step digital BookWidgets teacher training for beginners (Up to 30 teachers worth $200) in English, Spanish, Dutch, French or German.

Yes, 5 winners in total!

The contest

We want to create a winter parade widget full of fun winter activities. We’ll share this with teachers all over the world so they can share it with their students.

Of course, you need to provide the winter activities. As you can see in the activity below, there are 5 open spots. Click the image below to open the activity. We already filled up spot number 6 with an example.

Click to open

The rules

Create your winter widget activity with BookWidgets.

A few rules:

  • The activity must be in English
  • Watch the copyright rules of your images! We should be able to distribute and use the images for commercial purposes.
  • Theme: Winter - Things about the season, holidays, …
  • Widget type: No restrictions here. This can be any widget type out of our library
  • Widget settings: Students should not have to submit their answers. Make sure this option is disabled!
  • Submission deadline: December 6th

Fill out this form to enter the contest. Make sure your widget is ready!

Contest Timeline

Here is how the contest will proceed:

  • November 22 - Contest announcement
  • December 5 - 10 PM CST - Submission deadline (Click here to submit your activity)
  • December 7 - 8 AM CST - Jury announcement & start voting. The BookWidgets jury - Lucie Renard, Dimitri Bongers, and Frederic Gesell - will choose the 5 best activities. These will be presented in our Winter Parade widget and shared with teachers across the globe in a blog post. The blog post announcement is scheduled for December 7. Now, it’s up to the people to decide the 3 winners. They can vote on their favorite activity.
  • December 14 - 10 PM CST - Voting ends
  • December 15 - 8 AM CST - Announcement winners

Note: If you want to be noticed by the BookWidgets jury and the voters: Be creative! Fun theme! Think out of the box!


All entries will be judged based on judges’ determination of cleverness, wittiness, BookWidgets skillset, and creativity.

Your personal data (e-mail address) will solely be used within the purpose of this contest, to reach out to you.

This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter.

The organizer reserves the right to suspend or revoke the contest at any time in any jurisdiction if forced to do so for legal reasons or for compelling self-regulatory reasons, without any right to compensation or concessions of the participants.

Lucie Renard

Join hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and get the best content on technology in education.

BookWidgets enables teachers to create fun and interactive lessons for tablets, smartphones, and computers.

Choose from over 40 exercise templates (quizzes, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, ...), and adapt them with your own content.