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BookWidgets Contest


Win a BookWidgets license for free for 1 year, for your entire school!

Rules & Deadlines

Read the rules and deadlines to win a BookWidgets license for your entire school:

  1. Register for the webinar and stream live.
  2. At the end of the webinar, we’ll ask you to fill out a form. There, you have to share a widget you’ve created with BookWidgets (This can even be your very first widget!). Be creative, think out of the box, and mention how you will be using that widget in your lessons.
  3. Deadline to fill out the form and create your widget: October 9th - 12pm PST.
  4. Our jury - Sheryl Place, Lucie Renard, and Dimiti Bongers - will discuss the widgets and decide on the winning widget.
  5. The winner will be contacted via e-mail on Tuesday, October 11th, and will be provided with a BookWidgets license for all the teachers in their school!


Due to law restrictions, registrants from the next countries can’t participate in the contest: Brazil, Croatia, Italy, Egypt, Lebanon, Oman, and Singapore.

The winner will be chosen based on the judges’ determination of cleverness, wittiness, BookWidgets skillset, and creativity.

This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter.

Contestants’ data (e-mail address) will only be used to reach out to the winner.

The organizer reserves the right to suspend or revoke the contest at any time in any jurisdiction if forced to do so for legal reasons or for compelling self-regulatory reasons, without any right to compensation or concessions of the participants.